This Simple 'Sit
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This Simple 'Sit

Oct 22, 2023

From how to do it to what it means, here's the scoop.

When we go to our annual physical, it's always a relief to get a clean bill of health. However, it's important to check in with ourselves on a more regular basis too. One way to do that? The popular "sit-to-stand test."

The sit-to-stand test is an effective way to gauge your overall health and longevity. But what is it, exactly, and what can it really predict? Here's everything you need to know.

The sit-and-rise-from-the-floor test asks you to sit down on the floor, criss-cross style, without using your arms, hands, knees or the sides of your legs, and then rise back up in the same way.

This measure was originally created to predict someone's physical abilities. There is also a relationship that was found between the capability to complete this measure and your lifespan, Jared Burch, PT, DPT, AIB-VAM, from SOAR Physical Therapy in New Jersey, explains. We now know that using this test can help identify diminishing levels of fitness and physical function as we progress from middle age to seniority.

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While some tests directly identify the health of your heart through aerobic function and its relationship to lifespan, this test uniquely measures your lower body muscle strength, flexibility, balance and coordination/postural stability, Burch states. It requires your joints to move through a relatively large range of motion while the muscles of your lower body and trunk support and control your body weight.

And research confirms it. The most popular study on this topic was from the European Journal of Cardiology in 2014. "The same authors also came out with information for more age groups indicating males under 40 and females under 50 should be scoring 9 or higher to stay out of the 'unfavorable' groups," Burch says.

A quick Google search will let you know that there are a few versions of the sit-to-stand test, but the most popular is the sitting-and-rising test or the sit-and-rise test, where you start sitting with your legs crossed on the ground and you try to get up and sit back down without using another body part. There are technically two parts to the test: standing up and sitting back down.

Laura Kummerle, PT, DPT, OCS, explains that for each part of the test, you get five points. So you get five points on the way up and five points on the way down. You deduct a point every time you touch anything except your feet and hips to the ground. So each time you use a hand, knee, thigh, elbow or forearm, you deduct one point. A perfect score is 10, so the higher the score, the better.

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Interpreting your score can help you better understand your overall health, but if you don't get a great score when you try it, try not to worry too much—you can always have a chat with your doctor about your overall health, and try a few workouts to boost strength and flexibility.

This test used data from people between the ages of 51 and 80, and showed that a score of less than eight was associated with a death rate two to five times higher over a six-year period in both men and women.

If your score could use improvement, Kummerle recommends the following workouts:

Next up: New Research Finds That This Is the Amount of Exercise You Need for Longevity—and It's Less Than You Might Think

Jared Burch, PT, DPT, AIB-VAM Related: The One Lifestyle Practice That Could Have More Impact on Longevity Than Anything Else–and No, It's Not Weight Loss Laura Kummerle, PT, DPT, OCS, Related: This Is the Worst Habit for Heart Health, According to Cardiologists Next up: New Research Finds That This Is the Amount of Exercise You Need for Longevity—and It's Less Than You Might Think